At Nundah State School we endeavour to ensure all parents are aware of the anticipated expenditure per child likely for the calendar year.
There are two main expenses in providing the resources necessary for your child's education. The first is a list of stationery, and the second details the student resource scheme we operate here at Nundah State School.
Additionally, other likely expenses and events for your child's year level are documented at the bottom of the respective stationery list.
1. Student stationery lists
Stationary costs will vary based on your child's year level and can be ordered from Shaw Road Newsagency or purchased at another supplier. All stationery lists and an order form can be accessed below or by contacting us, and are to be returned to school by the due date as per the Stationery list - guide and order form (DOC, 298 KB). Parents may choose to have the stationery pack delivered to their home or they may collect it from the school.
Stationary guide and order form, and expenses lists:
2. Student Resource Scheme
Our school operates a Student Resource Scheme, in order to continue to provide a comprehensive package of resources for students as we continue to embed the Australian Curriculum. Resources for students are provided through two expenses for parents.
Student Resource Scheme – similar to that which families with students in high school would be familiar with.
Stationery and Expenses List – as in previous years, students will need to supply materials and resources to support their learning over the school year. Other anticipated expenses for each year level are documented on this list also.
Parents experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the principal or Business Manager to discuss payment or resourcing options that may be available to accommodate their circumstances, such as a gradual payment scheme.
While education in state schools is “free”, Department of Education policy indicates that it is parent’s responsibility to provide the resources which their children need to learn, which are not covered by grants provided to schools. In 2011 changes to departmental policy enabled schools to create a Student Resource Scheme to use their purchasing power to assist parents to provide these resources required for their children to learn the Australian Curriculum, at cost effective prices.
The scheme is very comprehensive in resource delivery and represents exceptional value for money. In addition, the scheme ensures that all children have exactly the same quality materials which enable the learning process to proceed much more smoothly.
The scheme is not a fund-raiser for the school. The purpose of the scheme is to provide a cost effective, value for money alternative to purchasing textbooks, site licenses for use of programs such as 'Accelerated Reader' (prep - 6 - including home access), class sets, resources, consumables and materials not included on the school’s year level book and stationery list, through reduced prices gained from the school’s bulk purchasing processes. These include
reproduced class workbooks, worksheets and teacher-prepared material
student material used for classroom projects and investigations
art and craft supplies in excess of what is provided by school grants
stationery, writing and drawing equipment in excess of what is requested on book lists
consumables, cooking and science materials.
student reference material (software)
access to reference materials in each key learning area eg dictionary, atlas, thesaurus.
The implementation of the scheme requires a separate payment/agreement form to be returned to the school.
Please see our student resource scheme policy and procedures information document (DOC, 273 KB) which includes timelines, cutoff dates and fees, and the student resource scheme parent agreement and payment information form (PDF, 192KB).
Student resource scheme guide, and expenses lists:
Opting out of the student resource scheme
If you choose to opt out of the student resource scheme, you will need to purchase your child's materials independently and provide these for the child to bring to school.
The resource scheme is voluntary and families are able to opt-out if they wish. However, please be aware that books, materials, consumables and program memberships required under this scheme are not funded by school grants. Therefore, if you do not wish to join the scheme you are still responsible for providing your child with the items that would otherwise have been provided by the scheme to enable your child to engage with the curriculum.
To opt-out of the student resource scheme, therefore deciding to purchase the required resources themselves, parents will need to write to the school advising us of this decision by the end of the first week of each school year. A list of resources with approximate costs will then be provided for parents to purchase and deliver to the school office by the end of the second week of school.