


Classroom Music

Music is a vital part of a child's development and education. At Nundah State School, Classroom Music is provided for all students through weekly half hour lessons with a specialist music teacher. These weekly lessons are part of a seven year sequential and developmental program that feeds into secondary school.


Our goal is to promote a love of music in our student body and to provide opportunities for all students to enhance their musicianship skills and develop excellence through reading, composing, responding, listening, playing instruments, singing, improvising and performing.

Extension opportunities for students include School Choirs, NSS Marching Band and the Instrumental Music Program. Music1.png


Choral Program

Students participating in the Choral Program will learn the skills of in-tune singing, expression, performance discipline, the responsibility for memorising their part and teamwork. Students will be exposed to a wide range of repertoire from a variety of eras, styles and cultures. Students may join the Junior Choir in Year 2 or the Senior. Choir in Year 3. Rehearsals are held once a week before school. Choir is a year-long commitment and a fun and enjoyable experience for students to take part in.


Throughout the year, choirs participate in a variety of performances at school and in the wider community. Examples of special events include Nundah Village Festival, Nundah's Got Talent, School Assemblies and Music Night. Our school choirs play an important role in school life at Nundah.


Marching Band

The Fife Band began at Nundah State School in the 1940s. It is one of the long and proud traditions of our school. Students learn playing and Marching skills in rehearsals and practise to generate successful performances.

The Band rehearse once a week before school with additional time available for beginner fifes. More experienced students support our newest members and it is a friendly and enjoyable team environment.


Students from Year 2 and above are invited to commence fife tuition first. When fife skills are well established, students may seek other positions in the band such as percussionist or drum major.

The Marching Band perform regularly at special events such as School Parades and Assemblies, Nundah Community Anzac Day, Nundah Village Festival, Wooloowin SS Band Tattoo, Nundah Showcase and Music Night.

Instrumental Music Program

Nundah State School offers a number of opportunities for our students to be involved in instrumental music. Our program offers weekly half hour tuition in strings, brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. It is an expectation of the school that students who participate in the program will join one of our ensembles or bands.

The Instrumental Music Program offers our students many wonderful and exciting opportunities to develop socially, academically and as young musicians.

The program allows many qualities such as self-discipline, problem solving skills and commitment to be developed in our students. These qualities will assist the students not only in their everyday school lives but also beyond the school gate and well into the future.

 The program and its teachers strive to:

  • Nurture and develop an understanding and love of music.
  • Develop a lifelong appreciation of music through participation and collaboration.
  • Develop socially and build relationships with others, both younger and older, through participation in lessons, bands and ensembles.
  • ​Provide ensemble experience for students, to develop and enhance group performance skills through school and community performances.


Last reviewed 28 July 2024
Last updated 28 July 2024