


​What is the P&C?

Nundah State School has an active and enthusiastic P&C Association. The Association is an important part of the vibrant school community and is dedicated to improving the learning experience for all students. It plays a vital role in linking the school and the community in which it operates.

The P&C is proud of the Nundah staff whose dedication and expertise make this a great place to educate our children. We are passionate about giving the staff and children the best possible environment in which to teach and learn. We hope you will join us.

What does the P&C do?

The P&C runs the school Tuckshop and Uniform shop. These are important services for the school which rely on volunteers from within the school community.

The P&C also has a number of active sub-committees. The Nundah Sharks is the school swim club. It runs an extremely successful swimming program with high levels of student participation. Since mid 2013, the club has been running a swimming program year round thanks to newly installed pool heating.

The Events sub-committee is a vital part of the school community. The hardworking volunteers run fundraising events, such as the successful 2012 Spring fair and the annual Easter raffle, and support school events such as Cross country day and Grandparents’ day with catering.

Other active groups working within the P&C include a Sports advisory group, a Music advisory group and a Learning,  literacy and emotional support group. Each of these is comprised of interested parents/carers and school staff and plays an important role in promoting and improving their relevant area within the school.

The P&C is also working towards improving the learning environment for the students through enhanced facilities and resources. In 2012, the P&C funded significant technology resources to support the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum. 

P&C meetings

The P&C meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. All parents/carers and interested community members are welcome to attend. If you wish to vote on proposals at the meeting you will need to become a P&C member. Membership is free and the form is available at the meeting or by emailing

You can access the P&C Minutes here.

P&C Meeting Minutes 8 March 2017 (pdf 433kb)P&C AGM Minutes 8 March 2017 (pdf 301kb)

How can I get involved?

  • Come along to a P&C meeting. They are held monthly (during term time) on the second Wednesday of the month at the school at 7.00 pm. If you would like to be on the mailing list for the agenda and minutes please email
  • Help out at the Uniform shop or tuckshop. The Uniform shop is open Tuesday and Thursday mornings and the tuckshop is open daily.
  • Join a P&C group. If you feel strongly about something and want to get involved, email us and we’ll put you in touch with the right group. In 2013, we have groups looking at Road safety, Outside school hours care, Cooler learning environments, Grounds development, Learning and literacy as well as the Music and Sports advisory groups.
  • Help out at an event. The Events committee is always looking for enthusiastic bakers or a pair of hands on the day.
  • To vote on motions at P&C meetings you need to complete a Application for P&C membership form (PDF, 103 KB) at least one meeting before voting.
  • Parent-community Code of Conduct (PDF, 1743KB)

Contact and further information

Contact the P&C by email:

Last reviewed 15 June 2021
Last updated 15 June 2021